Intro to Images and Words: an /r/progmetal Discord Server
The Images and Words discord server has a lot going on, with many active users and it can be a bit intimidating. We understand this concern, and thought it would be a good idea to sort of showcase the various bots and activities that go on in the server, so that people new to discord would have a better idea what to expect coming in.
Last.FM is a big part of our server, as we have two bots that do various commands with Last.FM. In case you don't know what Last.FM does, it basically just tracks, or "scrobbles," the music that you listen to and gives you various stats. Click this link to learn more:
One of our users have graciously allowed us to use his bot, which is compatible with Last.FM. Type !setlastfm with your username to link your account to the bot like so:
!np - This will display what you are currently listening to or "scrobbling."
Ub3r-bot does a lot of different things, not just Last.FM integration. But first, here is how to link Last.FM to the bot:
Listening Parties
Here at Images and Words, we host various listening parties of albums multiple times per day, where anyone can join in and listen along. There are two listening party ranks that you can join, and you will be notified anytime there is one if you add the rank to your profile. Info on how to join roles is mentioned in the next section. Follow this format pictured below if you would like to start one, and refer to the #info-and-rules channel to view our listening party etiquette.
Linking Spotify to Discord
For most of our listening parties, we use Spotify integration to listen at the same time. This only works if you have spotify premium to listen along, but you can still link your account to display what you are listening to on your discord profile. To link your account, go into the settings by clicking on the gear icon on the bottom left of discord like so:
Joining Ranks
The server has various genre-specific ranks that are join-able by typing in your desired rank like so:
You can have as many as you want, and the bot will give you each one you type in. The purpose of this is to display what genres you like on your discord profile, or just to add color to your name. The genre ranks have a set hierarchy in the server so they will display on your profile like so:
Note: the "High Taste" rank is awarded to active members, and they are displayed separately on the sidebar.
You can also join the listening party ranks, "listening party" is for scheduled parties that are determined by the mods, and "impromptu listening party" is for anyone to use.
Written by: Labalshwin
Edited by: DoctorFS
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